Scientific Name :
Uropterygius tigrinus
Scientific Name :
Galeocerdo cuvier
Average Length Weight :
Life Span Up to 50 years Quite a few 1,000-pounders have been taken in the state, and the species probably grows to a ton in weight. World record 1,780 pounds;
Scientific Name :
Scuticaria tigrina
Scientific Name :
Lophlatilus chamaeleonticeps
Average Length Weight :
Common at 5-10 pounds; sometimes exceeds 20
Scientific Name :
Chaetodon tinkeri
Scientific Name :
Scorpaenodes cacopsis
Scientific Name :
Haemulon aurolineatum
Average Length Weight :
Usually about 6 inches; seldom larger.
Scientific Name :
Torpedo sp
Scientific Name :
Pseudamiops diaphanes
Scientific Name :
Balistapus rectangulus