Torpedo Ray

Family, Genus, Class & Etymology

Family    Torpedinidae
Description    Electric rays
Environment    Marine
Etymology    Latin, torpere = to be with paralysis, caused when touching the fish or when it waves
Genus    1
No. of Species    22
Order    Torpediniformes
Class    Elasmobranchii
Reproductive Guild    Bearers
Distribution    Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Short description: Head equipped with electric organs, developed from branchial muscles; eyes small; disc truncate anteriorly; jaws extremely slender; no labial cartilage; rostrum reduced; tail well developed; 2 dorsal and caudal fins well developed. Skin soft and loose. Large specimens can give a severe jolt, normally used to stun small fishes on which they feed. The young hatch inside the uterus and are born fully developed. Subfamily Hypninae elevated to family rank.