HIE Trip Security deposits help protect from mishaps, frequent cancellations, fence jumping and no show cancellations that might occur during or after a reservation.
HIE only collects your established Trip Deposit Requirement or we can require the entire cost of the activity trip or tour upfront, then remit to your the Net (Retail Cost Minus our Commissions). Therefore, we ask that you don't collect any additional deposits from our customers prior to their trip date. You are always protected because your Companies Cancellation Policies are binding upon the customer when they book their trip on any Hawaiian Island Enterprises website.
The HIE commission on the transaction is a percentage that you establish. If the customer violates your trip cancellation policy, the Customers Credit Card will be charged by Hawaiian Island Enterprises for your published Cancellation Policy amount. It is worth mentioning that Hawaiian Island Enterprises has had less than 1% of cancelled bookings since we opened and started operations in 2016. We plan to keep that number as low as possible.
Please contact a Hawaiin Island Enterprises Customer Service representative for any additional details that you many need.