All of the Best Snorkeling & Snuba Trips
on the Hawaiian Islands
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Scheduled Trips are exactly that. These are all of the Ocean and Island Activities Vendors regulary scheduled trips. Most Activity companies provide their services at the same time, each and every day to make it easy for tourists to plan their trip. For other Activity Providers, some may choose to only offer one trip type (ie. Swim with Dolphins) 2 or 3 days a week, and provide a secondary (different) trip type (Captain Cook Snorkel) on the alternating days in the evenings. Scheduled Trips are not "Private Trips," but rather you are making a trip booking with an activity provider who is accepting multiple bookings from hotels and vacation desks, who is ultimately trying fill up their regularly scheduled trips to full capacity. All of our Activity Vendors provide regulary scheduled trips, however not all activity providers will offer private trip options. If you have any questions, or need assistance, please do not hesitate to email us at info@snorkelhawaii.com or you can call us at 808.379.9779.