Scientific Name :
Thalassoma ballieui
Scientific Name :
Halichoeres ornatissimus
Scientific Name :
Kyphosus sandwicensis
Scientific Name :
Cichla ocellaris
Average Length Weight :
The peacock bass is the largest species and can grow over 100 centimeters in length, and may be the largest of all cichlid fishes.
Scientific Name :
Pseudojuloides cerasinus
Scientific Name :
Diplodus argenteus
Average Length Weight :
Most run 3-6 inches, but may range as high as a pound or more. World record 3 pounds, 5 ounces.
Scientific Name :
Hyporhamphus depauperatus
Scientific Name :
Anampses chrysocephalus
Scientific Name :
Hydrolagus purpurescens
Scientific Name :
Xyrichthys niger