Scientific Name :
Luzonichthys earlei
Scientific Name :
Pseudochelilinus octotaenia
Scientific Name :
Carprodon Unicolor
Scientific Name :
Coris venusta
Scientific Name :
Thalassoma quinquevittatum
Scientific Name :
Cirrhilabrus jordani
Scientific Name :
Ammolabrus dicrus
Scientific Name :
Pdeudocheilinus tetrataenia
Scientific Name :
Mycteroperca microlepis
Average Length Weight :
Can reach 50 pounds on deep offshore wrecks and ledges, and has been recorded to 80 pounds, but 20-30 is the usual maximum range, and most catches now fall between 2 and 12 pounds. Many juveniles are caught from inshore grass flats. World record 80 pounds, 6 ounces;
Scientific Name :
Epinephelus lanceolatus