Hardhead Catfish

Average Weight/Length

Most run 1 pound or less, but may reach more than 4. World record 3 pounds, 5 ounces.

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish

Marine Catfish, Sea Catfish, Seacat, Bagre

Location Habitat

Lives anywhere in near-shore waters, but is most common in bays, harbors and coastal soft-bottom flats. Adults inhabit continental waters and enter estuaries. Found in turbid waters over muddy bottoms. Males incubate eggs in the mouth. Commonly captured from catwalks, bridges and piers, particularly in passes and inland waterways.

Biology & Physical Description

Dingy gray on back and sides with white or silvery underside. Four fleshy barbels under the mouth and two more at corners of mouth. Forked tail. First spines of dorsal and pectoral fins are stiff and sharp and coated with venomous slime that can make a wound hurt for hours. Careful! 4 chin barbels and a longitudinal groove in a depression on midline of head.

Geographic Species Map (Fishbase.org Map)

Summary of Distribution: Western Atlantic: Massachusetts and northern Gulf of Mexico to southern Florida in USA and Mexico.

Note: Distribution range colors indicate degree of suitability of habitat which can be interpreted as probabilities of occurrence (fishbase.org)

Sport Fishing Techniques

River Drift

River Drift means to use the....


Trawling is when....

Tackle & Baits

Any sort of light tackle will do, canepole, spinning or baitcasting. Eats shrimp and cut bait. Sometimes strikes artificial jigs and plugs.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 5/10

Game Description :

Pulls pretty hard but gives up easily.

Food Rating

Game Rating : 6/10

Game Description :

Poorly regarded but pretty good. Edible, but generally not consumed

Picture (Fish)