
Average Weight/Length

Average catch runs 1-4 pounds; maximum size is over 20 pounds. Fish exceeding about 6 pounds are now unusual in Florida, although still fairly plentiful in some areas of the Bahamas and the Caribbean. World Record 19 pounds, 8 ounces.

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish

Hog Snapper, Hog Wrasse, Captain, Perro Perro, Pargo Gallo

Location Habitat

Coral reefs and rocky areas. A large and economically valuable species, monandric and a protogynous hermaphrodite. Adults are found over open bottoms or coral reef areas. Often encountered where gorgonians are abundant. Feed mainly on mollusks, also crabs and sea urchins

Biology & Physical Description

Deep body; long tapering mouth with protruding teeth. Color varies but is usually a soft red. Very large specimens have a diagonal purple band running from dorsal fin to snout, and the first three rays of the dorsal fin are elongated into streamers. Tail and anal fin also sport more modest streamers. Dorsal spines (total): 14; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 10. Deep-bodied wrasse with a strongly arched dorsal profile. First 3 dorsal spines filamentous. Only wrasse with elongate dorsal spines and such a highly arched profile. Color variable but generally mottled brownish red with a black spot at rear base of dorsal fin

Life Cycle & Mating Behavior

Monandric (no primary males) , protogynous hermaphrodites. Sex change is postmaturation; it is initiated among individuals 30-40 cm LF (or 3-5 yrs) but was also observed in fish as large as 69.4 cm LF (13 yrs). Sex change occurred after one more spawning (as a female) seasons and requires several months to complete. Harem spawner. Spawning activity is characterised by the following event called 'spawning rush': 1) pectoral swim up, 2) tail swim, 3) swin alongsode and tilt, 4) release, 5) circle and display, and 6) swim down

Geographic Species Map (Fishbase.org Map)

Summary of Distribution: Western Atlantic: Nova Scotia (Canada), Bermuda, and northern Gulf of Mexico to northern South America.

Note: Distribution range colors indicate degree of suitability of habitat which can be interpreted as probabilities of occurrence (fishbase.org)

Sport Fishing Techniques


Trawling is when....

Tackle & Baits

Spinning, baitcasting and light ocean tackle. Although Hog Snapper occasionally take pieces of cut fish, crustacean baits are almost a must. Best are pieces of lobster and crab, or live shrimp. Other parts of shellfish, such as shrimp heads and lobster legs, make excellent chum.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 7.5/10

Game Description :

They pull fairly well when first hooked, but don't have much stamina, compared to the true Snappers. Most fishermen care less about the battle than the fillets.

Food Rating

Game Rating : 9.5/10

Game Description :

Flesh highly esteemed; marketed fresh and frozen. Outstanding. With its very fine, white flesh, the Hog Snapper is considered by many anglers, and spear fishermen, as the prize of all reef species for the table.

Picture (Fish)