Barred Surf Perch

Average Weight/Length

Barreds reach 17 inches and the California record is 4.2 pounds.

Location Habitat

These aggressive fighters live in the surf from northern Washington to north Baja, but most commonly found from Santa Cruz southward. Barred perch swim in very shallow water. They like to school up and swim in the trench that parallels most of the beaches in Southern Cal. You know! The one that you fall in when you first enter the surf. The most prolific fish found in the turbulent surf is one of Southern Cals most common fish, the surfperch. Surf fishermen catch more of these fish than any other fish that live in the surf. The two most popular are the redtail and the barred perch. The redtail lives mostly in northern California waters and the barred perch is a Southern Cal resident. Walleye surfperch are also caught while fishing for the barreds and sometimes become targets for anglers, especially those fishing artificials.

Biology & Physical Description

Barreds are silvery or brassy fish with 8-10 yellow or rust colored bars on their sides. Usually there are spots between the bars. Barreds reach 17 inches and the California record is 4.2 pounds. Barreds bear live young and it¹s not unusual to land a one while the young ones pop out and swim off. Spawning occurs from February to July. There are ten different species of surfperch: calico, kelp, pile, shiner, spotfin, silver, striped, wall eye, redtail and barred perch.

Sport Fishing Techniques

Kite Fishing (Trolling)

Kite Fishing Trolling is when you are....


Trawling is when....

Tackle & Baits

Most anglers use traditional surf fishing tackle. They use 10-13 foot rods with reels full of 15-LB test line. Sand spikes are necessary to support the rod while 3 to 6 ounce sinkers hold the bait in place. Sand crabs are barreds favorite food. Ghost shrimp, mussels and bloodworms also work well. Light tackle anglers use 8-9 foot rods and reels filled with 4-6 LB test line. Slip egg sinkers are used blocked by a swivel. The leader is about 24 inches if bait is used. The best bait is a live sand crab put on a number #6 hook in such a way as to not kill the crab. Many fishermen use small, single tailed rubber "Grubs". They are an inch long and come in various colors. Number #4 -#6 bait holder hooks are used so the worm doesn¹t slide back on the hook. Some anglers place as many as 5 tails trailing off an 8-foot leader. Most use only two grubs behind the sinker.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 7.5/10

Game Description :

There is no question in the mind of an angler who has a barred perch strike. They hit harder than any other surf fish. This is especially true when you are fishing with rubber grubs for bait. There is a selective group of anglers that roam the beaches with light lines and various artificials, mostly rubber grubs. They fish the incoming tide to the point of the highest pounding surf and the rougher it is the better these guys like it. They twitch the rubber grubs behind sinkers from 3/4 th ounce to 2 ounces.

Food Rating

Game Rating : 8.5/10

Game Description :

Like most surfperch the barreds have firm white, light tasting meat. They are excellent eating.

Picture (Fish)