Longbill Spearfish

Average Weight/Length

Usually 20-40 pounds; may reach 75 or more. World record 94 pounds, 12 ounces; Florida record 61 pounds, 8 ounces.

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish

Atlantic Spearfish

Location Habitat

Deep waters off all Florida coasts, plus the Bahamas and Caribbean. not common anywhere. The open seas. Oceanic species, chiefly found in offshore waters, usually above the thermocline. Feed mainly on pelagic fishes and squids

Biology & Physical Description

The name "Longbill" relates only to other Spearfishes occurring in different areas. Actually, the bill is quite short when compared to that of the Sailfish or White Marlin. Color usually is navy blue above; silvery on the sides and underparts. The dorsal fin is pointed at the front but dips only slightly and remains high for its full length - although not nearly high enough to mistake this species for a Sailfish. Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 50-57; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 18 - 21; Vertebrae: 24. Blue-black above, silvery white splattered with brown on the sides, silvery white below; dorsal fins dark blue; pectorals blackish brown, occasionally with tinges of greyish white; pelvic fins blue-black with a black fin membrane; 1st anal fin dark blue with silvery white at base; 2nd anal fin blackish brown.

Life Cycle & Mating Behavior

Maturation seems to occur at the same time rather than in the same season both in the northern and southern hemisphere, which could be suggestive of homogeneity of the population of this species. Females probably spawn once a year

Sport Fishing Techniques

Gill nets

Gill-nets are the dominant gear in the Indian Ocean. Gill-nets are used in artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries, contributing to 30-40% of the total catch. The net design is comprised of continuous panels of uniform mesh size, aimed to trap fish behind the gills. The International Sustainable Seafood Foundation (ISSF) notes that rates of sharks and turtle by-catch in Indian Ocean gill-net fisheries are high..

Tackle & Baits

Light ocean trolling or heavy spinning outfits with lines up to 30-pound test; 12- and 20-pound lines are adequate in experienced hands and provide great sport.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 8/10

Game Description :

Unsurpassed in its size range for combined strength and spectacle. Spearfish are not supposed to be targeted and most catches are incidental to those fisheries.

Food Rating

Game Rating : 9/10

Game Description :

Very good broiled or smoked, and should be kept if inadvertently killed. Protected commercially.