Goldrim Tang

Family, Genus, Class & Etymology

Family    Acanthuridae
Description    Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes
Environment    Marine
Etymology    Greek, akantha = thorn + oura = tail
Genus    6
No. of Species    82
Order    Perciformes
Class    Actinopterygii
Reproductive Guild    Nonguarders
Distribution    Circumtropical, especially around coral reefs; five species in the Atlantic, the remaining in the Pacific and Indian oceans. All have a deep compressed body with the eye high on the head and a long preorbital bone. Single unnotched dorsal fin with 4-9 spines and 19-31 rays; anal fin with 2 (only Naso) or 3 spines and 19-36 rays; pelvic fins with 1 spine and 3 (Naso and Paracanthurus) or 5 rays. Very small ctenoid scales. A small terminal mouth with a single row of close-set teeth. Most surgeon fishes graze on benthic algae and have a long intestine; some feed mainly on zooplankton or detritus. Surgeon fishes are able to slash other fishes with their sharp caudal spines by a rapid side sweep of the tail. Pelagic spawners. Many species have bright colors and are popular aquarium fishes.