Zebrahead Filefish

Family, Genus, Class & Etymology

Family    Kuhliidae
Description    Aholeholes
Environment    Fresh, Brackish & Marine
Genus    1
No. of Species    13
Order    Perciformes
Class    Actinopterygii
Reproductive Guild    Nonguarders
Distribution    Indo-Pacific. One freshwater species Kuhlia rupestris. Well-developed scaly sheath on dorsal and anal fins. Dorsal fin with a deep notch; 10 spines, 9-12 soft rays. Anal fin 3 spines, 9-13 soft rays.. Without a scaly pelvic axillary process. Two spines on opercle. Vertebrae 25. Small compressed silvery fishes, in schools in surgy areas by day, dispersed to feed on free-swimming crustaceans at night. Juveniles often in tidepools. Maximum length 50 cm. Assumed to be non-guarders (RF).

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish
