Spotfin Croaker

Average Weight/Length

Spotfin are very large and the California State Record is #14 pounds.

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish


Location Habitat

Spotfins hug the shoreline in water less than 30 feet. They cruise the area behind the breaker line and come into the surf area only during the flood high tides. They also enter the bays in large schools with the incoming tide, especially a tide moving up to a flood level.

Biology & Physical Description

Spotties have very obvious black spots at the base of their pectoral fins. They are bluish-gray or gray on their backs, brassy on their flanks and white on their bellies. During the breeding season the males may be completely brassy or golden. Some anglers have thought these golden males were a separate species. "Spotties" have long been the number one objective of the long casting surf fishermen. They average larger than the other surf fishes and their powerful strikes are legendary, some fish bending the long rods in the sand spikes completely down to the water.

Sport Fishing Techniques

Kite Fishing (Trolling)

Kite Fishing Trolling is when you are....


Trawling is when....

Tackle & Baits

Long casting for spotfin is the answer to landing them. If you can throw bait long distances your chances of catching them becomes much greater. Sometimes individual fish come into the surf zone at high tide but most of them are deeper. Use 10-13 foot long, slow bend, casting rods with 15 pound test line or less. Put small one inch pieces of bloodworm on a #4- #6 hooks. String the worm completely onto the hook with only the point of the hook exposed. Ghost shrimp is probably a better bait but difficult to cast without falling off on the casting arc. The best bait is mussel tied to the hook with string or a rubber band but they are also really hard to cast.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 7.5/10

Game Description :

When ever a spottie strikes there will usually be a series of immediate follow-up strikes as the school moves by. Their strikes are strong and steady as they pull those 4-ounce sinkers effortless across the bottom. Spotfin are not caught with artificials. They are caught mostly on bait. Contrary to popular belief the best time to catch spotties in the surf is at a dead low tide, where the angler can wade and cast into their zone. This zone becomes much harder to reach as the tide moves up. Bay fishermen can use light tackle if they can find the spotties thoroughfare. This usually requires a boat.

Food Rating

Game Rating : 7.5/10

Game Description :

They are white fleshed and very table worthy.

Picture (Fish)