Silver Perch

Average Weight/Length

Up to perhaps 10 inches; common at 4-6 inches.

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish

Yellowtail, Sugar Trout, Silver Trout

Location Habitat

Abundant in coastal rivers and streams during the winter sometimes schooling so thickly that catches could be made by the dozens, or even hundreds, if an angler were so inclined.

Biology & Physical Description

Grayish or steel back, silvery on sides. Fins and tail yellowish. Confused in name and appearance with the Silver Trout (which see), but this is not a Seatrout, although related. Absence of canine teeth is the giveaway.

Sport Fishing Techniques

Kite Fishing (Rig)

A Kite Fishing Rig is....

Kite Fishing (Trolling)

Kite Fishing Trolling is when you are....


Trawling is when....

Tackle & Baits

Light spinning tackle with small hooks and pieces of shrimp, fish or squid. They readily hit artificials and are easily hooked on very small jigs.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 4/10

Game Description :

Too small to provide much sport, but they at least provide some action on many winter days when the sought-after Redfish and Trout are hard to find.

Food Rating

Game Rating : 8/10

Game Description :

An excellent panfish; seldom large enough to fillet. Rolled in meal and deepfried, they are delicious.