Round Scad "Cigar Minnow" (Bait Fish)

Average Weight/Length

Under a foot; averages 6-8 inches.

Other "Popular" Names for this Fish

Hardtail, Cigarfish, Chuparaco

Location Habitat

Large schools are widespread in the Gulf and Atlantic, from near the beaches to well offshore. Adults inhabit neritic waters, often near sandy beaches. A shoaling species, generally near the bottom. They feed on planktonic invertebrates, primarily copepods, but also on gastropod larvae, ostracods and pteropods. Spawning occurs well offshore year-round. Eggs are pelagic

Biology & Physical Description

As the name suggests, the body is cigar-shaped. The tail is forked and scutes are present. Small black spots are present along the lateral line. Color is dull gray or tan with whitist underside. Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 30-34; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 26 - 29. Greenish above, whitish below; adults with 3-1 small black spots on curved LL; opercle with small black spot

Geographic Species Map ( Map)

Summary of Distribution: Western Atlantic: Nova Scotia, Canada southward through the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Eastern Atlantic: Morocco to South Africa, including the Madeira, Canary, Cape Verde, Ascension and St. Helena islands

Note: Distribution range colors indicate degree of suitability of habitat which can be interpreted as probabilities of occurrence (

Sport Fishing Techniques

River Drift

River Drift means to use the....


Trawling is when....

Tackle & Baits

Although anglers purchase most of their Cigar Minnows in fresh or frozen state, they can be caught on bait rigs, a series of tiny hooks that are sometimes dressed with nylon filaments, although Glass Minnows will just as readily take the plain hooks. This rig can be purchased at tackle shops or put together by the angler. A sinker is fixed to the end of the string of hooks. A stout rod and fairly heavy line will make things easier, since no sport is involved, and since the sinker may have to be rather heavy, depending on the depth at which the Cigar Minnows, spotted by sonar, are hanging.

Game Rating

Game Rating : 1/10

Game Description :


Food Rating

Game Rating : 1/10

Game Description :

Used as bait, not food.